Akira Morgans
Akira Katniss

Akira Katniss

Closely related to one of our favorites, Akira Fantasize, this filly is going to be very special. She is tall and stretchy and everything we’d hoped for with this cross. Kate has the same fabulous snorty attiude of her dam, Akira Embellished. She should be a wonderful show mare and maybe broodmare later on.

Congratulations to Linda Sheridan for selecting this fabulous filly!







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Akira Katniss Bazinga Stonecroft Trilogy Stonecroft Masquerade
Ladybird Command
Brenda Starr Liberation First Star
AFF Savannah
Akira Embellished HVK Bell Flaire Noble Flaire
HVK Belleek
SSLLC In Vogue HVK Man About Town
Arboria Victor’s Pride