maddie okc 2019 This is a map of our route, it took 3 days each way Truck and trailer The view the first day on the road Before we set up Our stall setup The show arena Maddie and the beautiful arena setup Akira Embellished Akira Embellished My friend EllaKate Walk Trot riders lined up I loved to watch the roadster classes The breyer I pained A breyer that I won and then painted Two breyers that I won Another breyer I won Cupcake the breyer I bought My new doll on Cupcake PUPPIES Science Museum! Optical Illusion Illusion from the other side Slide Bed of Nails Me in the pinboard Segway riding! Getting all wet with pipes Lots of airplanes learning about teeth! The outside of the candy store this is my favorite place in OKC MORE CANDY EVEN MORE CANDY Boot shopping is a thing trying to catch t-shirts Lots of fun! Funny faces Maddie trying alligator Desert was much better! Jaxon my friend! Maddie the Cowgirl Beauty and the Beast Maddie and Jaxon views in Utah Beautiful scenery on the way home